Selvatic Málaga Fest
planes málaga 2024

How to make your 2024 such spectacular

POV: a new year is approaching and you’re already planning your holidays. The chances of your 2024 being spectacular if you’re planning to make plans for Malaga are endless, what can we tell you!

And it’s not just that Malaga is physically located in a geographically unique enclave, but it is also the city with the mildest climate in southern Europe, it has a magnificent international airport from which you can have the getaway of a lifetime, finger-licking gastronomy and, of course, the best cultural offer.

With this breeding ground, the spectacle is obviously served. But of course, there’s no doubt of just sitting back in your armchair waiting for things to happen, you have to go for it! Imagining is only the first step. So here’s a list of checks to tick off to make your 2024 plans unbeatable:


When you imagine your next holiday, what’s in the background? Admit that this is important, and not just for the style your Instagram photos need to maintain. Or can’t you see yourself enjoying a spring afternoon in front of the sea, with your closest colleagues and your favourite music? Those memories stay with you forever, and let us tell you that Malaga’s landscape has all the colours you need.


Because you can leave a record of what happened… Or not. Do you enjoy going out to the best bars in the centre of Malaga to spend one of those epic nights? Come on, Malaga lends itself to you! And when it comes to boasting about your plans, it doesn’t matter whether you show them in photos or tell the anecdotes to the people who missed them. The effect of envy is the same.


Not only do you have to nourish yourself, but you also have to do it while enjoying yourself and trying new things that you’ve always wanted to do. Maybe this year will be the year you finally get to enjoy the fried fish of your life at your beach bar of choice.


Move over, it’s our turn. That’s what we’re here for: to make you freak out at the concert of your favourite artists. Don’t worry, we at Selvatic Fest are already making sure that this year’s concert programme is of supreme quality, so you can get ready for the summer of music you’re about to enjoy!

OK, you’ve got it, haven’t you? Well, don’t leave it at that! Make your plans in Malaga this summer, and follow the route, slowly but surely, so that your 2024 will be as spectacular or even more spectacular than you imagine. And while the time comes, enjoy the journey! Search the internet for all the things you can do, ask your friends and imagine everything that could happen at Selvatic Fest, a great event that takes place in the trendiest city in the world.


We have to admit that Malaga is a city, as they say here, de dulce. It has all the ingredients you need to have a great or excellent summer. But if, in addition to being Malaga as it is, we add a festival with concerts every week throughout the summer and different styles, it becomes something really serious. And that’s what we’ve come here for: to revolutionise Malaga with a wild musical programme.

To be more specific about what’s so spectacular about having Selvatic Fest in Malaga all summer long, we’re going to describe the things that could happen to you if you come to the city – and to the festival, of course – next year.


And it’s not just that you’re going to get a spectacularly golden skin tone during your stay, thanks to your frequent and profitable visits to Malaga’s beaches. You’ll also leave with the smell of saltpetre well memorised and the sound of the waves in your brain, ready to be retrieved when you return to your post-summer routine.


Have you seen how many museums and cultural activities you can do in the city? Yes, you’ve come to a concert, but in reality the cultural offer that Malaga has to offer is spectacular. Choose a museum from among all they have, a visit to any historical building or monument, or simply a stroll through its most traditional streets.


And if the cultural offer is great and the climate is pleasant, we can’t say enough about the gastronomy. There are so many things you have to come and try of the local food that you won’t have enough days to be able to taste it all. And not only Malaga’s cuisine, of course, but you also have a lot more international cuisine on offer that you will love. And of course, you have a sample in the Selvatic Fest gastro area, so you can stay active and energetic during the concerts.


The people of Malaga are good people. And when we say good, we’re not wrong in the slightest: their hospitality, their joy, their desire to enjoy and share, their humour… You’re going to take friends forever from here, and that’s good because it means you have a host for the next few summers. Because we agree that you’re going to repeat your holiday destination and festival, right?


Fancy an escape room? Done. What about an afternoon of terracing with drinks in a relaxed atmosphere? Done. It doesn’t matter whether you plan or not, because Malaga lends itself to improvisation just as well as to millimetric planning. It’s up to you to organise or surprise yourself at every step.


Because if you add to all of the above what we have already mentioned about having the best concerts of national and international artists, in a spectacular space where you will be able to enjoy listening to the best concerts in the city, you will be able to enjoy the best of the best.