Selvatic Málaga Fest

Legal notice

This legal notice regulates the operation, use and access of the website, as well as all those aliases that point to and use this platform, which Autocines Malaga, S.L. has created with the aim of promoting its services and those of other companies, such as the sale of tickets online.

This website is the property of Autocines Malaga S.L., with CIF B06847917 , and address at Ctra.Azucarera-Intelhorce 7, 29004. Malaga, Spain; registered in the Mercantile Register of Malaga in volume [46060], Folio [69], Inscription 2.

For any queries or proposals, please contact us by e-mail at

This website is governed by the regulations exclusively applicable in Spain, being subject to it, both nationals and foreigners who use this website.

The provision of personal data through our portal requires a minimum age of 14 years, or where appropriate, have sufficient legal capacity to contract.

At any time we may modify the presentation and configuration of our website, extend or reduce services, and even remove it from the network, as well as the services and content provided, all unilaterally and without prior notice.


Access to our website is free of charge and does not require prior subscription or registration and is subject to the prior reading and full, express and unreserved acceptance of these CONDITIONS OF ACCESS AND USE, and those in force at the time of access, which we ask you to read carefully. The USER, when using our portal, its contents or services, expressly accepts and submits to the general conditions of use of the same. If the user does not agree with these conditions of use, he/she must refrain from using this portal and operating through it.

The sending of personal data implies the express acceptance by the USER of our privacy policy.

The provision of personal data through our portal requires a minimum age of 14 years, or where appropriate, have sufficient legal capacity to contract.

The user must access our website in accordance with good faith, the rules of public order and these General Conditions of Use. Access to our website is at the user’s own exclusive responsibility, and the user shall be liable in all cases for any damages that may be caused to third parties or to us.

The user is expressly prohibited from using and obtaining the services and content offered on this website by procedures other than those stipulated in these conditions of use.

Taking into account the impossibility of controlling the information, contents and services contained in other websites that can be accessed through the links that our website may make available, we inform you that Autocines Málaga, S.L., is exempt from any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of these websites, external to our company, by the user.

This Website offers access to various content and information, as well as services that require user registration. By registering online, the user undertakes to provide true, accurate, lawful, up-to-date and complete information about his/her identity (name, surname, e-mail, telephone, address, town, postcode, country, sex) as requested on the registration form for the Services.

Similarly, it is forbidden to use the Website to send advertising or commercial communications, to send messages for advertising purposes or to collect data for the same purpose, including progressive customer acquisition practices (such as pyramid sales or distribution chain systems).

Regardless of its purpose, neither the user or the organiser may in any way use the Website to send unsolicited mass and/or repetitive e-mails to a number of people, nor send e-mail addresses of third parties without their consent.

Autocines Málaga, S.L. reserves the unilateral right, without prior notice, to terminate the membership of any USER that the organisation considers to have violated the conditions governing the use of our website, without the USER having the right to claim any type of damages for this type of action. Likewise, it reserves the right to take appropriate legal action against those who violate these general conditions of use, the USER accepting that the failure to initiate such action does not constitute a formal waiver thereof, and that such action shall remain in force until the legal statute of limitations for infringements has expired.


All contents, texts, images and source codes are the property of Autocines Málaga, S.L. or of third parties from whom their exploitation rights have been acquired, and are protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property rights.

The user is only entitled to make private, non-profit use of the same, and requires express authorisation to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute or exercise any right belonging to the owner.

The user is only entitled to private, non-profit use of the same, and requires express authorisation to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute or exercise any right belonging to the owner.

Autocines Málaga, S.L., Selvatic Málaga Fest and Málaga Forum are registered trademarks, and the reproduction, imitation, use or insertion of these trademarks is prohibited without our due authorisation.

The establishment of links to our website does not confer any rights over it. Likewise, the mere fact of establishing a link to our website does not entitle you to the status of collaborator or partner.

Autocines Málaga, S.L. is exonerated from liability for any claim regarding the intellectual property rights of the articles and images published by third parties on its website.

The total or partial imitation of our website is strictly forbidden.


The Website hosted under the domain name contains a platform for the promotion of events and ticket sales. The General Conditions that are detailed regulate the access and use of the Website as well as all the contents that are shown or made available to the Users. Autocines Málaga, S.L. may modify, develop, update or withdraw said content at any time and without prior notice. These general conditions do not prevent Autocines Málaga, S.L. from establishing other specific conditions for the contracting or use of certain services or products offered to Users on the website.

The user or organiser undertakes to make diligent use of the content and services accessible from this Website, in full compliance with the law, good customs and these General Conditions, as well as maintaining due respect for other users and organisers.

Any use other than for the purpose of this Website is expressly prohibited. Thus, the user or organizer will renounce to use any of the materials and information contained in this Website for illicit purposes and expressly prohibited in the present General Conditions of Use or actions that are contrary to the rights and interests of Autocines Málaga, S.L.,, its members and/or third parties, and will be liable  to the same in the event of contravening or failing to comply with said obligations and/or which, in any way (including the introduction or dissemination of ‘computer viruses’), damages, renders useless, overloads, deteriorates or prevents the normal use of the materials and information contained on the Website, the information systems or the documents, files and all types of content stored in any computer equipment (hacking) of Autocines Málaga, S.L., of its members or of any user of the Website.

The User who intentionally or culpably breaches any of the foregoing obligations shall be liable for all damages caused. Autocines Málaga, S.L. reserves the right to immediately suspend the provision of the service to remove alleged or declared illegal content or to cancel the profiles of users or organisers who do not comply with these general conditions, either at its sole discretion or at the request of an affected third party, duly identified, or of the competent authority. Such suspension or removal shall in no case entitle the user or organiser to any compensation whatsoever.


By making this website available to the user, we wish to offer a quality service, using the maximum diligence in the provision of the same, as well as in the technological means used. However, we are not responsible for the presence of viruses or other elements that may in any way damage the user’s computer system.

Autocines Málaga, S.L. does not guarantee that the availability of the service will be continuous and uninterrupted, due to circumstances caused by problems in the Internet network, breakdowns in computer devices or other unforeseeable circumstances, so that the USER accepts to bear these circumstances within reasonable limits, and therefore expressly renounces to claim from Autocines Málaga, S.L. any responsibility for possible failures, errors and use of the service.

The USER assumes all liability arising from the use of our website, being solely responsible for any direct or indirect effect on the website arising, including, but not limited to, any adverse economic, technical and / or legal result, as well as the disappointment of the expectations generated by our portal, the user agrees to hold harmless Autocines Málaga, S.L. for any claims arising directly or indirectly from such events.

Autocines Málaga, S.L. does not guarantee the accuracy, veracity and validity of the contents of this website, whether they are its own, those of third parties or those linked to other websites, and is totally exonerated from any liability arising from the use of the same.

Autocines Málaga, S.L. is exonerated from any liability arising from any claim, including the payment of lawyers’ fees, for claims and demands made by third parties for breach by the USER of our conditions of use, access and privacy policy, or any other claim for breach of current legislation.

The USER acknowledges that he/she has understood all the information regarding the conditions of use of our portal, and acknowledges that they are sufficient for the exclusion of error in them, and therefore accepts them fully and expressly.


These General Conditions of Use were modified on 28/12/23. We may modify them at any time: please check the date of issue each time you connect to our website to ensure that no changes have been made that may affect you.

If you have any questions regarding the Terms of Use of our website, please contact us at the above details.


You are making a purchase in a shop owned by AUTOCINES MÁLAGA, SL, with CIF B06847917, and address at Carretera Azucarera-Interlhorce, 7-9, 29054, Málaga, Spain.

The company Enterticket SLU with C.I.F. B-98841968 and domiciled in Valencia, Avenida Músico Maestro Rodrigo, nº 32, acts as the owner of the digital platform through which the sale of tickets is facilitated, and it is the company that invoices the corresponding amount for the sale of the tickets.

Return policy: No refunds are allowed for tickets purchased online.

Delivery policy: Tickets purchased online are delivered in digital format.


  1. The ticket to Autocines Málaga SL (Selvatic Málaga Fest), will be valid only for the day indicated on the front of the ticket. No changes or refunds are allowed.
  2. Access to the site will only be authorised on presentation of the ticket, from the time indicated on the ticket until the end of the event.
  3. THE RIGHT OF ADMISSION IS RESERVED. Admission will only be granted on presentation of a full ticket.
  4. Minors under 16 years of age who are not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian responsible for their safety and morality, or minors between 16 and 18 years of age who are not authorised by their parent or legal guardian, will not be admitted. They must hand in the authorisation form.
  5. Minors under 18 years of age are not allowed to enter and remain on the premises after midnight.
  6. From the age of 4 years and over, a ticket must be purchased, otherwise entry will not be permitted.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to film or record all or part of the Festival by video, audio or any other means, as well as the use of cameras.
  8. In accordance with the applicable regulations in force, smoking is prohibited in the covered areas of the venue.
  9. It is forbidden to enter the venue with bottles, cans, umbrellas, weapons or any object considered dangerous by the organisers.
  10. Access is subject to a search in accordance with the law. Persons refusing entry will not be allowed to enter the venue.
  11. The organising company of Autocines Málaga SL (Selvatic Málaga Fest) reserves the right to alter or change, at any time, without prior notice or condition, the established programme or prices and the assigned seat if for security reasons it is necessary.
  12. The organisation does not guarantee the authenticity of the ticket if it has not been purchased at the official points of sale. Possession of a forged ticket, in addition to not facilitating access to the venue, will result in legal action.
  13. The holder of a ticket will lose his or her rights when leaving the venue.
  14. In case of cancellation of the Festival, the organisation undertakes to refund the amount of the ticket within 45 days from the date on the front of the ticket.
  15. See the full text of the General Conditions Autocines Málaga SL (Selvatic Málaga Fest) on the website
  16. In the event that the show is cancelled once the ticket holder is inside the venue, only the presentation of this ticket will allow him/her to enjoy the rights inherent to it. If the date of the event changes for any reason, this ticket will be valid for the final date. In this case, no refund can be claimed, unless the new date differs by more than one month from the date shown on the front of the ticket.
  17. The ticket holder acts at his/her own risk, expressly acknowledging that the organisers cannot be held liable for any risks or damages or any other incident, occurring before, during or after his/her stay at the venue, with the exception of incidents resulting from gross negligence or wilful misconduct.
  18. Resale of this ticket, even for promotional or social purposes, is prohibited without the express written consent of the promoters of the Event.
  19. The use of this ticket is compulsory for access to the different areas of the venue, and is subject to verification by the event’s traffic control. The use of this ticket in unauthorised areas or in an irregular manner will result in its immediate seizure.
  20. Ticket holders whose actions are contrary to these Conditions or whose tickets have not been purchased at the official points of sale may be prohibited from entering the venue or expelled from the venue, and such tickets will be invalidated without the right to a refund, and the Event organisers, in the use of their powers of decision, reserve the right to use other legal means.
  21. The holder of this ticket expressly declares and accepts that his/her image may be captured and recorded during the Event, and therefore cedes, from this moment, free of charge and definitively, to the promoters of the Event, all the image rights that he/she has over the same.
  22. The holder of this ticket expressly declares and accepts that his/her image may be captured and recorded during the Event, and therefore, from this moment on, he/she assigns, free of charge and definitively, to the promoters of the Event, all the image rights that he/she has over them.
  23. The invalidity, ineffectiveness or non-application by the competent court of any provision of these Conditions does not invalidate the application of the remaining rules. The organisers reserve the right to make alterations to these Terms and Conditions whenever they prove necessary, the updated version of which is available at
  24. In all matters not covered by these rules, the legislation in force shall apply. The ticket holder expressly declares that he/she has read, understands and accepts these Conditions and that he/she is fully aware of the rights and obligations arising from them. These General Conditions have been written in Spanish and may be translated into other languages and are available at In the event of any discrepancy between the Spanish and the translated texts, the Spanish text will be used to resolve any doubts of interpretation and applicability.