Selvatic Málaga Fest
fotografía málaga selvatic fest

Show me your pics and I will tell you how you are

With the advent of mobile phones with cameras, the number of shutter clicks has multiplied by a billion. We immortalise everything we like in our gallery and, although we are not professional photographers, we show our creations as if they were true works of art (and, mind you, some of them are).

But have you ever thought about what the kind of photographs you take and keep say about you? Around here we keep thinking about it, seeing all the photos you tag us in from concerts. And that’s why we wanted to make a kind of classification. Because there are as many types of photographers as there are types of people, and we’re sure we’ve left something out.


Yes, yes, those who take pictures of the most random things they find in everyday life in Malaga (and there’s plenty of room for that!). They are a more abstract type of photography but they generate a very aesthetic content, don’t they?


From the first michi that crosses their path to their own dog sleeping peacefully on the couch. This type of person cannot, no matter how much they want to, pass in front of any endearing animal doing the most fortuitous things without taking a picture of it (and, of course, giving it cuddles and snuggles afterwards).


They’re the ones whose mothers make sure they’re eating well just by looking at their stories from time to time. They spend so much time framing their plate that, by the time they get their teeth into it, the rest of them are already on the dessert. Life is hard.


Just as the selfie addicts keep their immediate family up to date on what they eat, this type of photographer keeps their community up to date on the symmetry of their features. In an eternal quest for the perfect facial expression and posture, some have achieved the difficult feat of maintaining exactly the same pose in all their photos. They say that this is something you train for, but to do it with backgrounds as cinematic as those of Gibralfaro, in Malaga, is something much more top-notch.


So much vibrant colour and so much joy can’t be passed up to show off a macro lens on your smartphone. If you can’t walk past a flower in Malaga Park without pulling out its pistils, you’re this kind of person. And we love it, eh.


Share with the world those historical, neoclassical, modernist facades… Is it your passion? That between the chamfers, the closings, the cobblestones and the natural light of Malaga, you can’t get enough, normal. But what light! And what buildings!


And you know them well, because what do you identify with? Yes, of course, the ones with, above all, photos, photos, photos, photos and more photos of concerts. Out of frame, out of focus, yes, there are a lot of them. But then there are also the ones with the perfect shot of the singer up close shouting into the microphone. We admit that this kind of people are more into video, that they communicate better, but there is no lack of photos.

At Selvatic Fest we’re quite partial to the latter category, because, live music! Please, as if there was anything better than that. But the truth is that we’re a bit of a compendium of everything, because we have stunning scenery and decor for your photos and also a gourmet area that lends itself to foodstagram, among other reasons.