Selvatic Málaga Fest
qué llevar festival Málaga Selvatic Fest

What to bring to a festival in Málaga like Selvatic Fest

We still have some time to go before Selvatic Fest starts, but you don’t have to spend time in vain. Now we are wearing our hat, scarf and coat, but we already have in our heads the list of things we are going to take to our favourite festival in Malaga. You know who we’re talking about, don’t you?

One of the things that, without a doubt, is going to happen this summer, and you know it, is that you’re going to go to concerts, as much as you love live music! And what’s more, in Malaga, not much else, but we’ve got a great cultural offer. Selvatic Fest is one of your proposals, and maybe your favourite, but we are one of many and we know it. We love being in such a culturally active city.

But, having concerts every week throughout the summer with very different styles, you have to have well prepared that kit of things you’re sure to need at each event.


When it comes to choosing footwear, if our advice is anything to go by, it’s best to choose comfort. Although considering the amount of cool shoes out there, this is not going to be at odds with your style. Because with the great songs we’re going to play live at every concert, we want you to be ready to jump at every song.


Because, yes, live music is great, but you know what’s much, much better? Enjoying concerts with friends. It doesn’t matter if they’re the ones you see every day or if they’re the ones who always have that coffee with you. Singing along and losing your voice in a group improves exponentially any memory. Priceless.


New Year’s Eve sequins, do you have them handy? Well, don’t keep them at the back, you’re going to reuse them this summer. Get a couple of Tik Tok tutorials on the latest highlighter trends, facial gems, neon nail polish, and shine like you only know how!


Because, as you already know, at Selvatic Fest we not only feed on music, but we also have a super interesting gastronomic offer with the best of national and international food. We want you to be full of energy and with a happy tummy to give it your all, because we always want you to be at your best.


To have a good time, of course, and to do it in a unique location in Malaga: an open, friendly, accessible and diverse space where there is only room for good vibes.


Because if in addition to having a good time with your gang, you can do it dancing, so much the better, don’t you think? Memorise TikTok’s trending choreographies or invent your own moves but, above all, let all that art you have stored up flow.

Do you have it? This sentimental backpack is what you need along with the patience to wait for the summer and the illusion of having unforgettable moments to remember for years to come. The countdown to attend the best concerts of national and international artists in a spectacular and spacious venue, while enjoying the essence of Malaga with your people, has already begun. The most diverse festival in Malaga awaits you, don’t miss us!